Sabrina Castiglione

Project lead

Your career, the short version

After a master in Management Sciences and a first experience in Marketing & Communication in the IT sector, I developed an interest in Digital Marketing.
I worked as a Digital Marketing Specialist & Account Manager in an agency and as a Product Manager in an advertising agency for the last 10 years.
Passionate about the digital world and people, I decided to start the year 2023 at Universem as a Project Lead.

The best thing about your profession?

The combination of digital marketing with process and project management and innovation on the one hand, and people management with the development of the professional skills of a team of consultants on the other.

Your favorite indulgence?

Only one, it’s complicated 🙂
Fan of the aperitif “time” with a good Spritz and a good “gelato”.

Sabrina Castiglione - Universem
