Google Shopping Free Listing: What does it mean for our e-commerce?


In the middle of the Covid-19 crisis, many retailers had to close their physical point of sales. In order to support these companies to find more customers thanks to digital and to survive in this difficult economic context, Google has decided to offer a new free service for e-commerce merchants. Google shopping free listing allows you to promote your products free of charge and to a very large audience in Google’s shopping section. Through an attractive visual, these “organic” ads generate quality traffic on your website and further encourage conversion.

A better positioning in the search results

As you may have noticed, Shopping ads are directly in the first position on search engines, hence the importance of being there. Furthermore, Google shopping ads now represent 65% of the clicks on Google ads. Opening up the possibility for merchants to promote their products for free in Google’s shopping section is great news for all e-merchants. Since its launch a few weeks ago, advertisers have seen an average increase of +50% in clicks and +100% in impressions on shopping ads. The biggest increase in traffic and visibility is mainly seen by small and medium sized retailers.

The more information you provide, the more qualitative your ad will be. Indeed, each product present in the “product flow” is composed of attributes such as its name, an image, a description, its availability … essential elements in the creation of product ads. A nice ad, complete and structured, is more likely to be well positioned in the Google shopping listing. Indeed, this information are essential for the Google algorithm to know when and where the ad should optimally be displayed. Although free, this option requires some efforts, including the optimization of the product feed from a content and SEO point of view.  Free listing ads use the same product feed as shopping campaigns, but unlike shopping ads, there is no bidding as these ads are free. The only way to optimize its distribution and positioning is therefore to optimize the content and SEO strategy of the product feed.

A way to reach potential customers more efficiently and to boost conversions

Thanks to this premium positioning, Google shopping free listing ads are more likely to be seen by potential customers and lead more easily to their conversion. Millions of users come to Google every day to search for what they need. Being present on Google shopping can allow you to greatly expand the audience reached by your ads.

Many users visit this ad format in order to compare products, prices, specifications, models and other relevant information to make a decision. Google shopping free listing ads are “intent-based” which means that they appear when the user is actively searching for a specific product, service or your brand.

You are free to strategically choose the products in your catalog and the offer you wish to display via Google shopping free listing. Obviously, this option offers less control than Google Shopping ads, but it is a significant source of visibility. Shopping ads offers the necessary tools to study and improve performance. This is why it is more interesting and beneficial to use these two tools in a combined way. A real opportunity to develop and optimize your digital activity.


You want to know more about the implementation of this opportunity in your digital strategy?

In period of crisis, such as the one of Covid-19 lived at the moment, do not miss this opportunity to put forward your e-commerce activity and to reinforce your customer proximity.

Benefit now from the optimization of your Google shopping tool. Our experts will be happy to support you in setting up a combined digital strategy adapted to your online store.
For more information, contact us!