Redesign of the website

Website redesign

The renewal of your platform involves an SEO migration.

Who says redevelopment, says SEO migration.

New strategic objectives require a redesign of your website?

Such a change is a good opportunity to review the structure to improve user experience and SEO. The migration must then be carefully prepared before the new site goes live.

The site structure

A structured hierarchy is one of the central elements of effective SEO. It mainly determines the readability of URLs, simplified access to landing pages for Google, and can also be the basis for creating semantic clusters (a combination of a hierarchical structure, internal linking, and content optimization). An optimized hierarchy helps to positively strengthen the SEO of a site through:

  • A consolidated user experience: the user finds the information they are looking for more easily, and their navigation is more pleasant.
  • A lower bounce rate: users tend to leave a site more quickly if it seems confusing to them.
  • The possibility of a sitelink appearing in the SERP results: if the structure is clear, these links will more easily display in the SERPs, maximizing visibility, navigation, and click-through rate.
  • Facilitated crawling: a comprehensible hierarchy allows Google’s bots to visit more pages, going to more complex depth levels and thus indexing related content.

The migration

The migration process defines the transition from the existing site to the new one. To avoid losing your SEO traffic during this move, it is essential to properly prepare the migration of each page. With a mapping plan, each page of the old version is redirected to the new version of it.

The launch of a site

The final step in the redesign of a website is the launch of the new site, which is accompanied by the disappearance of the initial site. During the launch, each old URL is tested to ensure it correctly redirects to the corresponding page of the new site or a closely related topic. For several weeks, it is recommended to regularly check that the number of crawl errors does not increase, as this would impact SEO.

The site's hierarchy

A structured hierarchy is one of the central elements of effective SEO. It mainly determines the readability of URLs, simplified access to landing pages for Google, and can also be the basis for creating semantic clusters (a combination of a hierarchical structure, internal linking, and content optimization). An optimized hierarchy helps to positively strengthen the SEO of a site through:


  • A consolidated user experience: the user finds the information they are looking for more easily, and their navigation is more pleasant.
  • A lower bounce rate: users tend to leave a site more quickly if it seems confusing to them.
  • The possibility of a sitelink appearing in the SERP results: if the structure is clear, these links will more easily display in the SERP, maximizing visibility, navigation, and click-through rate.
  • Facilitated crawling: a comprehensible hierarchy allows Google’s bots to visit more pages, going to more complex depth levels and thus indexing related content.

The migration

The migration process defines the transition from the existing site to the new one. To avoid losing your SEO traffic during this move, it is essential to properly prepare the migration of each page. With a mapping plan, each page of the old version is redirected to the new version of it.

The launch of the new site

The final step of a website redesign is the launch of the new site, which is accompanied by the disappearance of the initial site. During the launch, each old URL is tested to ensure that it properly redirects to the corresponding page of the new site or a closely related topic. For several weeks, it is recommended to regularly check that the number of crawl errors does not increase, as this would impact SEO.

Are you considering redesigning your site, revising its design and content while minimizing the negative effects on your ranking in organic search results?