Your goals - Google Analytics
Google Analytics Goals
Define your macro and micro conversions.
What goal are you pursuing with your site?
Before starting any digital project, and more specifically in Web Analytics, it is important to agree on the elements to measure by determining your objectives.
Based on this, we then define the possible conversions on your site by distinguishing between macro-conversions and micro-conversions.
Define your goals
The starting point will be to establish the overall objective of your site. Who is your target audience? What is the reason for its existence (to inform, to sell, to collect information…)?
Next, we will determine if your site meets this expectation by taking an inventory of all possible conversions. A conversion is defined as an action taken by a consumer on the site. It can take various forms such as downloading an informational PDF file, filling out a form, or making a purchase.
Your site must therefore be built in such a way that these conversions are maximally facilitated for consumers. We distinguish between two types of conversion: macro-conversions and micro-conversions.
The macro-conversions
Data tracking
As soon as the analytics objectives have been well defined, our team Web Analytics can then proceed to the technical implementation. This step involves, on one hand, determining how to collect the elements (choice of the GTM tool, tracking by its agency of the required elements, …), and on the other hand, how to make them readable and easy to interpret (conversions in Google Analytics, reports, customized dashboards, …).